Theorem List
Mathematics for Computing, CS/SE 2DM3, Fall 2020

Table of Contents

1 Inequality

Inequality is defined as negation of equality.

Declaration: __ : t  t  𝔹

Axiom Definition of : x  y    ¬ (x = y)

It is convenient to have irreflexivity of inequality available in two (equivalent) shapes:

Theorem Irreflexivity of : ¬ (x  x)

Theorem Irreflexivity of : x  x    false

Inequality is symmetric (but, unlike equality, not transitive):

Theorem Symmetry of :  x  y    y  x

2 Equational Theory of Integers   Exercise_2

Here we develop that part of LADM's “Theory of Integers” that only requires equational reasoning on the integers only, with no other logical symbols besides =, not even .

Declaration: _+_ :     
Declaration: _·_ :     

Axiom (15.1) (15.1a) “Associativity of +: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
Axiom (15.1) (15.1b) “Associativity of ·: (a · b) · c = a · (b · c)
Axiom (15.2) (15.2a) “Symmetry of +: a + b = b + a
Axiom (15.2) (15.2b) “Symmetry of ·: a · b = b · a

Axiom (15.3) “Additive identity” “Identity of +: 0 + a = a
Axiom (15.4) “Multiplicative identity” “Identity of ·: 1 · a = a
Axiom (15.5) “Distributivity” “Distributivity of · over +: a · (b + c) = a · b + a · c
Axiom (15.9) “Zero of ·: a · 0 = 0

Declaration: -_ :   
Declaration: _-_ :     

Axiom (15.13) “Unary minus”: a + (- a) = 0
Axiom (15.14) “Subtraction: a - b = a + (- b)

Theorem (15.17) “Self-inverse of unary minus”:
   - (- a) = a

Theorem (15.18) “Fixpoint of unary minus”: - 0 = 0

Theorem (15.20): - a = (- 1) · a

Theorem (15.19) “Distributivity of unary minus over +:
    - (a + b) = (- a) + (- b)

Theorem (15.21): (- a) · b = a · (- b)

Theorem (15.22): a · (- b) = - (a · b)

Theorem (15.23): (- a) · (- b) = a · b

Theorem (15.24) “Right-identity of -: a - 0 = a

Theorem (15.25): (a - b) + (c - d) = (a + c) - (b + d)

Theorem (15.26): (a - b) - (c - d) = (a + d) - (b + c)

Theorem (15.27): (a - b) · (c - d) = (a · c + b · d) - (a · d + b · c)

Theorem (15.29) “Distributivity of · over -:
    (a - b) · c = a · c - b · c

3 Propositional Calculus

3.1 Conjunction   Exercise 3_3

Declaration: __ : 𝔹  𝔹  𝔹

Axiom (3.35) “Golden rule”: p  q  p  q  p  q

Theorem (3.36) “Symmetry of : p  q  q  p

Theorem (3.37) “Associativity of : (p  q)  r  p  (q  r)

Theorem (3.38) “Idempotency of : p  p  p

Theorem (3.39) “Identity of : p  true  p

Theorem (3.40) “Zero of : p  false  false

Theorem (3.41) “Distributivity of  over : p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r)

Theorem (3.42) “Contradiction: p  ¬ p  false

Theorem (3.43) (3.43a) “Absorption: p  (p  q)  p

Theorem (3.43) (3.43b) “Absorption: p  (p  q)  p

Theorem (3.44) (3.44a) “Absorption: p  (¬ p  q)  p  q

Theorem (3.44) (3.44b) “Absorption: p  (¬ p  q)  p  q

Theorem (3.44) (3.44c) “Absorption: ¬ p  (p  q)  ¬ p  q

Theorem (3.44) (3.44d) “Absorption: ¬ p  (p  q)  ¬ p  q

Theorem (3.45) “Distributivity of  over : p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r)

Theorem (3.46) “Distributivity of  over : p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r)

Theorem (3.47) (3.47a) “De Morgan: ¬(p  q)  ¬ p  ¬ q

Theorem (3.47) (3.47b) “De Morgan: ¬(p  q)  ¬ p  ¬ q

Theorem (3.48): p  q  p  ¬ q  ¬ p

Theorem (3.49) “Semi-distributivity of  over : p  (q  r)  p  q  p  r  p

Theorem (3.50) “Strong Modus Ponens: p  (q  p)  p  q

Theorem (3.51) “Replacement: (p  q)  (r  p)  (p  q)  (r  q)

Theorem (3.52) “Alternative definition of : p  q  (p  q)  (¬ p  ¬ q)

Theorem (3.53) “Exclusive or” “Alternative definition of :
  (p  q)  (¬ p  q)  (p  ¬ q)

Theorem (3.55): (p  q)  r  p  q  r  p  q  q  r  r  p  p  q  r

3.2 Disjunction   Exercise_3_2 Homework_5_2

Declaration: __ : 𝔹  𝔹  𝔹

Axiom (3.24) “Symmetry of : p  q  q  p

Axiom (3.25) “Associativity of : (p  q)  r  p  (q  r)

Axiom (3.26) “Idempotency of : p  p  p

Axiom (3.27) “Distributivity of  over : p  (q  r)  p  q  p  r

Axiom (3.28) “Excluded Middle” “LEM: p  ¬ p

Theorem (3.29) “Zero of : p  true  true

Theorem (3.30) “Identity of : p  false  p

Theorem (3.31) “Distributivity of  over : p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r)

Theorem (3.32): p  q  p  ¬ q  p

3.3 Formalising “Knights and Knaves” Puzzles   Exercise_3_1

Raymond Smullyan posed many puzzles about an island that has two kinds of inhabitants:

  • knights, who always tell the truth, and
  • knaves, who always lie.

You encounter two people A and B.

The above paragraph contains information that is common to all scenarios below.

We are careful to postulate as axioms only statements that apply in all scenarios.

We declare a special type for the inhabitants of that island:

Declaration: Inhabitant : Type
Declaration: _is-knight, _is-knave : Inhabitant  𝔹

We then encode the two kinds of inhabitants as two unary Boolean-valued predicate operators, written in postfix syntax, and given higher precedence than logical negation, so we can write ¬ X is-knight with the same meaning as ¬ (X is-knight):

Obviously the “two kinds of inhabitants” are intended to be exhaustive; we formalise that as an inequivalence, and derive alternative formualations that well be useful for reasoning below:

Axiom Knights and knaves”: X is-knight  X is-knave

Lemma Knights and knaves”: X is-knight  ¬ X is-knave

Lemma Knights and knaves”: X is-knave  ¬ X is-knight

The puzzles are all presented as stories contining as key ingredients that some inhabitant X makes some statement s; if we formalise that statement s into proposition p, then we formalist that whole ingredient as:

    X says-🙶 p 🙷

The extra-fat quotation marks in _says-🙶_🙷 are obtained by typing \``` respectively \'''.

Precedence 140 for:  _says-🙶_🙷
Declaration: _says-🙶_🙷 : Inhabitant  𝔹  𝔹

The definitions of knights and knaves are the easily formalised:

Axiom Knighthood: X says-🙶 p 🙷  X is-knight  p
Axiom Knavehood:  X says-🙶 p 🙷  X is-knave   ¬ p

Finally, we formalise the statement “You encounter two people A and B”, making explicit the assumptions that these “people” are inhabitants of this island.

Declaration: A, B : Inhabitant

3.4 Leibniz's Rule as an Axiom, Replacement Theorems   Exercise 5_1 Homework 7_2

Theorem Definition of :  (p  q) = (p = q)

Axiom (3.83) “Leibniz: e = f  E[z  e] = E[z  f]

Theorem (3.84) (3.84a) “Replacement:
    (e = f)  E[z  e]  (e = f)  E[z  f]

Theorem (3.84) (3.84b) “Replacement:
    (e = f)  E[z  e]  (e = f)  E[z  f]

Theorem (3.84) (3.84c) “Replacement:
    q  (e = f)  E[z  e]  q  (e = f)  E[z  f]

Theorem (3.85) (3.85a) “Replace by `true`: p  E[z  p]  p  E[z  true]

Theorem (3.85) (3.85b) “Replace by `true`: q  p  E[z  p]  q  p  E[z  true]

Theorem (3.85c) “Replace by `false`: ¬ p  E[z  p]  ¬ p  E[z  false]

Theorem (3.86) (3.86a) “Replace by `false`: E[z  p]  p  E[z  false]  p

Theorem (3.86) (3.86b) “Replace by `false`: E[z  p]  p  q  E[z  false]  p  q

Theorem (3.87) “Replace by `true`: p  E[z  p]  p  E[z  true]

Theorem (3.88) “Replace by `false`: p  E[z  p]  p  E[z  false]

Theorem (3.89) “Shannon: E[z  p]  (p  E[z  true])  (¬ p  E[z  false])

Axiom (3.83) “Leibniz: e = f    E[z  e] = E[z  f]

Theorem (3.84) (3.84a) “Replacement:
    (e = f)  E[z  e]    (e = f)  E[z  f]

Lemma Replacement in equality with addition”:
    a = b + c  c = d    a = b + d  c = d

3.5 Implication   Exercise 4_1  Homework 7_1

Declaration: __ : 𝔹  𝔹  𝔹

Declaration: __ : 𝔹  𝔹  𝔹

Axiom (3.57) “Definition of : p  q  p  q  q

Axiom (3.58) “Consequence” “Definition of : p  q  q  p

Theorem (3.59) “Definition of : p  q  ¬ p  q

Theorem (3.60) “Definition of : p  q  p  q  p

Theorem (3.61) “Contrapositive: p  q  ¬ q  ¬ p

Theorem (3.62): p  (q  r)  p  q  p  r

Theorem (3.63) “Distributivity of  over : p  (q  r)  p  q  p  r

Theorem (3.64): p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r)

Theorem (3.65) “Shunting: p  q  r  p  (q  r)

Theorem (3.66): p  (p  q)  p  q

Theorem (3.67): p  (q  p)  p

Theorem (3.68): p  (p  q)  true

Theorem (3.69): p  (q  p)  q  p

Theorem (3.70): p  q  p  q  p  q

Theorem (3.71) “Reflexivity of : (p  p)  true

Theorem (3.72) “Right zero of : (p  true)  true

Theorem (3.73) “Left identity of : (true  p)  p

Theorem (3.74) “Definition of ¬ from : (p  false)  ¬ p

Theorem (3.75) “ex falso quodlibet”: (false  p)  true

Theorem (3.76) (3.76a) “Weakening” “Strengthening: p  p  q

Theorem (3.76) (3.76a) “Weakening” “Strengthening: p  p  q

Theorem (3.76) (3.76b) “Weakening” “Strengthening: p  q  p

Theorem (3.76) (3.76c) “Weakening” “Strengthening: p  q  p  q

Theorem (3.76) (3.76d) “Weakening” “Strengthening: p  (q  r)  p  q

Theorem (3.76) (3.76e) “Weakening” “Strengthening: p  q  p  (q  r)

Theorem (3.77) “Modus ponens”: p  (p  q)  q

Theorem (3.78): (p  r)  (q  r)  (p  q  r)

Theorem (3.79): (p  r)  (¬ p  r)  r

Theorem (3.80) “Mutual implication”: (p  q)  (q  p)  p  q

Theorem (3.81) “Antisymmetry of : (p  q)  (q  p)  (p  q)

Theorem (3.82) (3.82a) “Transitivity of : (p  q)  (q  r)  (p  r)

Theorem (3.82) (3.82b) “Transitivity of : (p  q)  (q  r)  (p  r)

Theorem (3.82) (3.82c) “Transitivity of : (p  q)  (q  r)  (p  r)
Theorem (3.59) “Material implication”: p  q  ¬ p  q

Theorem (3.65) “Shunting: p  q  r  p  (q  r)

Theorem (3.66) “Strong modus ponens”: p  (p  q)  p  q

Theorem (3.67) “Even if: p  (q  p)  p

Theorem (3.71) “Reflexivity of : p  p

Theorem Indirect reflexivity of : (p  q)  (p  q)

Theorem (3.80) “Mutual implication”: (p  q)  (q  p)  p  q

Theorem (3.81) “Antisymmetry of : (p  q)  (q  p)  (p  q)

Theorem (3.82) (3.82a) “Transitivity of : (p  q)  (q  r)  (p  r)

Theorem (3.82) (3.82b) “Transitivity of : (p  q)  (q  r)  (p  r)

Theorem Antitonicity of ¬:  (p  q)  (¬ q  ¬ p)

Theorem Left-monotonicity of : (p  q)  ((p  r)  (q  r))

Theorem Left-monotonicity of : (p  q)  ((p  r)  (q  r))

Theorem Left-antitonicity of : (p  q)  ((q  r)  (p  r))

Theorem Right-monotonicity of : (p  q)  ((r  p)  (r  q))

3.6 Conditionals   Homework 9_2

Declaration: if_then_else_fi : 𝔹  t  t  t

Axiom if true”:   if true  then x else y fi  =  x
Axiom if false”:  if false then x else y fi  =  y

Theorem `if` to :
    P[z  if b then x else y fi]
   (b  P[z  x])  (¬ b  P[z  y])

Theorem if swap”:
      if   b then x else y fi
   =  if ¬ b then y else x fi

Theorem if then=true”: if R then true else P fi     R  P

Theorem if else=false”: if R then P else false fi     R  P

4 Abstract Algebra: Magmas, Monoids, and Groups   Assignment 1

4.1 Basics

Theorem A Boolean expression not equal to true is equal to false”:
   (p  true)  (p  false)

Declaration: even :   𝔹

Axiom Even distributes over +: even (x + y)  even x  even y
Axiom Even of 2”: even 2
Axiom Even of 1 ---not!”: ¬ even 1

Declaration: black :     𝔹

Axiom Definition of black”:  black i j  even i  even j

Theorem Bishops stay on the same colour”:
    black (i + k) (j + k)  black i j

Theorem Knights always change colours”: black (i + 2) (j + 1)  black i j

4.2 Recalling Magmas

Declaration: τ : Type
Declaration: __ : τ  τ  τ

Axiom Associativity of : (x  y)  z = x  (y  z)

Theorem Associativity of :
     ((p  q)  r) = (p  (q  r))

4.3 Monoid Madness

Declaration: Id : τ
Axiom Left-identity of : x = Id  x

Theorem Left-identity of : (false  p)  p

Axiom Symmetry of :  x  y = y  x

Theorem Symmetry of :  (p  q)  (q  p)

Theorem Right-identity of :  x = x  Id

4.4 “Everyone break into Groups!”

Precedence 210 for: inv_
Declaration: inv_ : τ  τ
Axiom Left-inverses”: inv x  x = Id

Theorem Right-inverses”: x  inv x = Id

Theorem Left-inverses for : (p  p) = false

Precedence 190 for: __   -- entered with `\o-` and `\ominus`.
Declaration: __ : τ  τ  τ

Axiom Definition of : x  y = x  inv y

Theorem Mutual associativity of  and :
    x  (y  z) = (x  y)  z

Theorem Right-identity of inverse”: x  Id = x

Theorem Self-cancellation of inverse”: x  x = Id

Theorem Inverse of composition” “Subtraction of sum”:
    x  (y  z) = (x  z)  y

4.5 Relative Undoability: Uniqueness of /Binary Inverses\

Declaration: __ : τ  τ  τ
Declaration: __ : τ  τ  τ

Axiom Under: x  y = z    y = x  z
Axiom Over:  x  y = z    x = z  y

Theorem Under with  in the numerator”:    y = x  (x  y)

Theorem “⊕ then Under:                     x  (x  z) = z

Theorem Over with  in the numerator”:     x = (x  y)  y

Theorem Over then :                      (z  y)  y = z

Theorem Fractions: a  b  =  b  a

Declaration: _%-of_ :     
Declaration: _div_ :     

Axiom Definition of percentage”: x %-of y  =  (x div 100) · y
Axiom Into the numerator”: (x div z) · y = (x · y) div z

Theorem Percentages commute”: a %-of b  =  b %-of a

4.6 “Swap or Paws” —Take II

Lemma Irreflexivity of : (p  p) = false

Lemma xor swap”:
     x = X  y = Y
     ⁅  x := x  y  
         y := x  y  
         x := x  y
     x = Y  y = X

Wap: Xor Swap without the xor!!

Lemma wap”:
     x = X  y = Y
     ⁅  x := x  y  
         y := x  y  
         x := x  y
     x = Y  y = X

5 Inductively Defined Types

5.1 Inductive Theory of the Natural Numbers   Exercise 4_2

Here we develop an theory of the natural numbers based on induction over 0 and the successor operator suc_.

Theorem Successor: suc n = n + 1

Theorem Associativity of +: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)

Declaration: _·_ :     

Axiom Definition of · for 0”: 0 · n = 0
Axiom Definition of · for `suc`: (suc m) · n = n + m · n

Theorem Left-identity of ·: 1 · n = n

Theorem Right-zero of ·: m · 0 = 0

Theorem Multiplying the successor”: m · (suc n) = m + m · n

Theorem Symmetry of ·: m · n = n · m

Theorem Distributivity of · over +: (k + m) · n = k · n + m · n

Theorem Associativity of ·: (k · m) · n = k · (m · n)

5.2 Predecessors in the Inductive Theory of the Natural Numbers   Homework 8_5

Corollary Identity of +: 0 + a = a

Corollary Identity of ·: 1 · a = a

Corollary Zero of ·: 0 · a = 0

Theorem Successor is non-decreasing”: a  suc a

Theorem Successor is increasing”: a < suc a

We define the predecessor function pred on natural numbers, and since it has to be defined for all natural numbers, we let it map 0 to 0:

Declaration: pred :   
Axiom Predecessor of zero”:       pred 0       = 0
Axiom Predecessor of successor”:  pred (suc n) = n

Corresponding to the “Successor” theorem suc n = n + 1, we also have a “Predecessor” theorem:

Theorem Predecessor:  pred n = n - 1

Theorem Predecessor is non-increasing”: pred a  a

Theorem Predecessor of non-zero”:
    n  0    suc (pred n) = n

Theorem Monotonicity of predecessor”: a  b  pred a  pred b

Theorem Non-<-monotonicity of predecessor”:
    ¬ (a < b  pred a < pred b)[a, b  ? , ? ]

Theorem “<-Monotonicity of predecessor”:
    suc a < b  pred (suc a) < pred b

5.3 Inductive Theory of Sequences   Exercise_9_1 Homework_14

Here we develop a theory of sequences following LADM chapter 13.

Sequences formalised via the new type constructor `Seq`
      Declaration: Seq : Type  Type

Producing types Seq A of finite sequences with elements of type A, and Seq A is introduced as an inductive type with the following constructors:

      Declaration: 𝜖  : Seq A
      Declaration: __ : A  Seq A  Seq A

𝜖 (type \emptySeq or \eps) stands for the empty sequence.

For an element x : A and a sequence xs : Seq a, the sequence x ◃ xs has x as its first element, also called head, and xs as its tail. For the symbol , type \cons.

The binary operator associates to the right.

Corresponding to “Zero is not successor” on the natural numbers, here we have:

Axiom (13.3) “Cons is not empty”: x  xs  𝜖

The axiom corresponding to “Cancellation of successor” on the natural number then rounds off the characterisation of sequence equality as being equality of construction from `𝜖` and `◃`:

Axiom (13.4) “Cancellation of :
   x  xs = y  ys    x = y  xs = ys

The induction principle for sequences implemented in By induction proofs is the following:

       P[xs  𝜖]
      ( xs : Seq A  P  ( x : A  P[xs  x  xs]))
      ( xs : Seq A  P)

An induction proof for either just `P`, or for `∀ xs : Seq A • P` (it works the same for both goal statements), therefore takes the following shape:

    By induction on `xs : Seq A`:
      Base case:Proof for `P[xs  𝜖]` ⟫

      Induction step:Proof for ` x : A  P[xs  x  xs]` ⟫

           ⟪ using: Induction hypothesis `P`

Be careful to introduce a fresh variable instead of x for proving theorems that mention x!

Theorem (13.6) “Cons decomposition”:
    xs : Seq A  xs = 𝜖    ( y   ys  xs = y  ys)

Theorem (13.7) “Tail is different”:
     xs : Seq A   x : A  x  xs  xs

Theorem (13.7) “Tail is different”:
    x  xs  xs

5.3.1 Membership

Declaration: __ : A  Seq A  𝔹

Axiom (13.10) “Membership in 𝜖”:     x  𝜖           false
Axiom (13.11) “Membership in :    x  (y  ys)    x = y     x  ys

Theorem (13.16) “Membership in :
    x  (ys  z)    x  ys  x = z

Theorem (13.21) “Membership in :
    x  ys  zs    x  ys  x  zs

5.3.2 Mapping a Function over a Sequence

Declaration: map : (A  B)  Seq A  Seq B

For example: map factorial [3, 0, 5] = [6, 1, 120].

Axiom Definition of `map` for 𝜖”:   map f 𝜖 = 𝜖
Axiom Definition of `map` for :   map f (x  xs) = f x  map f xs

Theorem Definition of `map` for :
    map f (xs  x) = map f xs  f x

Theorem Distributivity of `map` over :
    map f (xs  ys) = map f xs  map f ys

5.3.3 Theorems to those of ℕ

Axiom (13.3) “Cons is not empty”: x  xs  𝜖

Theorem Cons is not empty”: x  xs = 𝜖    false

Axiom (13.4) “Cancellation of :
   x  xs = y  ys    x = y  xs = ys

5.3.4 Snoc

Declaration: __ : Seq A  A  Seq A

Axiom (13.12) “Definition of  for 𝜖”:         𝜖  a = a  𝜖
Axiom (13.13) “Definition of  for :   (a  s)  b = a  (s  b)

Fact (H12.1): (2  5  3  𝜖)  7  = 2  5  3  7  𝜖

Theorem (13.14) “Snoc is not empty”:  xs  x  𝜖

Corollary Snoc is not empty”:  xs  x = 𝜖    false

5.3.5 Catenation

Declaration: __ : Seq A  Seq A  Seq A

Axiom (13.17)
      “Left-identity of ”
      “Definition of  for 𝜖”:             𝜖  ys = ys
Axiom (13.18)
      “Mutual associativity of  with ”
      “Definition of  for :      (x  xs)  ys = x  (xs  ys)

Fact (H12.2):  (2  7  5  𝜖)  (1  9  𝜖) = 2  7  5  1  9  𝜖

Theorem (13.19) “Right-identity of :
    xs  𝜖 = xs

Theorem (13.20) “Associativity of :
    (xs  ys)  zs = xs  (ys  zs)

Theorem (13.23) “Empty concatenation”:
    xs  ys = 𝜖    xs = 𝜖  ys = 𝜖

5.3.6 Reverse

Declaration: reverse : Seq A  Seq A
Axiom Definition of `reverse` for 𝜖”:  reverse 𝜖 = 𝜖
Axiom Definition of `reverse` for :  reverse (x  xs) = reverse xs  x

Theorem cat-snoc”:
    (us  vs)  w = us  (vs  w)

Theorem Reverse of :
   reverse (xs  ys) = reverse ys  reverse xs

We introduce the `head` and `tail` functions that extract the constituents of non-empty sequences:

Declaration: head : Seq A  A
Declaration: tail : Seq A  Seq A

Note that the following axioms leave head 𝜖 and tail 𝜖 undefined — nothing interesting can be proven about these expressions. (Only boring things like head 𝜖 = head 𝜖…)

Axiom Definition of `head`: head (x  xs) = x
Axiom Definition of `tail`: tail (x  xs) = xs

Theorem Non-empty-sequence extensionality”:
    xs  𝜖  xs = head xs  tail xs

Theorem snoc-cat”:
    (us  v)  vs = us  (v  vs)

5.4 Binary Trees   Exercise 12

As a simple graph, a relation may have the peculiar property of each node having at most two outgoing edges and no node is isolated (“forever alone”); such graphs are known as binary trees.

Since every node points to at most two other nodes, we can represent such relations inductively —as we did with ℕatural numbers, sequences, and paths.

We use symbols for the tree constructors that are intended to somewhat reflect the kind of downwards-growing tree drawing you see below:

  • — type: \emptytree or \t0
  • — type: \lbranch
  • — type: \rbranch

A nonempty tree (l ◿ x ◺ r) consists of a node carrying value x and branching to the left subtree l and the right subtree r:

Declaration: Tree : Type  Type
Declaration:             : Tree A
Declaration:        ___ : Tree A  A  Tree A  Tree A

Declaration: example : Tree 
Axiom Definition of `example`:
  t1 = ((  2  )  3  (  5  ))
       (  10  (  11  ))

Declaration:_: A  Tree A  --- \lsingleton and \rsingleton
Axiom Singleton tree”: 「 x 」 =   x  

Fact Alternative definition of `example`:
  t1 = (「 2 」  3  「 5 」)
       (  10  「 11 」)

Read l ◿ x ◺ r as “ node x has two child trees, the left l and the right r ”.

(The notation is also suggestive of how such trees are actually implemented: A non-empty tree is a value x and a pointer to the right child and a pointer to the left child!)

As with sequences, and other inductive data types, we can define operations on an inductive data type by considering the possible ways to form elements of this type.

E.g., We define the operator `_˘` to stand for the mirroring function on trees — via an inductive definition that covers all possible shapes of the argument tree:

Declaration: _˘ : Tree A  Tree A
Axiom Mirror:  ˘  = 
Axiom Mirror: (l  x  r) ˘  =  (r ˘)  x  (l ˘)

Theorem Mirroring singleton trees”: 「 x 」 ˘ = 「 x 」  -- Singleton trees are fixpoints of mirroring:

To show a property P is true for all trees one needs to check that it is true for the simplest tree and that if it is true for existing trees, then the way to make new trees preserves the truth of P; i.e., if P holds for l and r hold, then it needs to hold also for (l ◿ x ◺ r) should also be true:

Axiom Tree induction”:
     P[t  ]
    (  l, r : Tree A; x : A
        P[t  l]  P[t  r]    P[t  l  x  r]
    ( t : Tree A  P)

Using this induction principle for our trees, we can prove that the above mirroring operation is an involution, just like reverse for sequences and converse for relations:

Theorem Self-inverse of tree mirror”:  t : Tree A  (t ˘) ˘ = t
  UsingTree induction”:
    Subproof for ` ˘ ˘ = `: ByMirrorSubproof for ` l, r : Tree A; x : A
          (l ˘) ˘ = l  (r ˘) ˘ = r
          (l  x  r)˘ ˘ = (l  x  r)`:
       For any `l, r, x`:
         AssumingIHL” `(l ˘) ˘ = l`,
                  “IHR” `(r ˘) ˘ = r`:
             (l  x  r) ˘ ˘
           =⟨ “Mirror” ⟩
             (l ˘ ˘)  x  (r ˘ ˘)
           =AssumptionsIHL” and “IHR” ⟩
             l  x  r

Declaration: size : Tree A  
Axiom Tree size”: size   = 0
Axiom Tree size”: size (l  x  r)  =  size l + 1 + size r

Lemma Singleton tree size”: size 「 x 」 = 1
Theorem Size of mirrored tree”:
     t : Tree A  size (t ˘) = size t  --   Mirroring preserves size:

Similar to the map function you have seen on sequences, we also define a map function on tree, which creates a copy with “updated” elements:

Declaration: map : (A  B)  Tree A  Tree B
Axiom Tree map”: map f  = 
Axiom Tree map”: map f (l  x  r) = (map f l)  (f x)  (map f r)
Theorem Size of mapped tree”:
     t   size (map f t) = size t -- map preserver tree size:

5.4.1 Tree Traversals — Seqentialising the Nodes

We define the three standard ways to sequentialise the tree elements while for each node keeping all elements of the left subtree before the elements of the right subtree (remember the names!):

Declaration: preOrder, inOrder, postOrder : Tree A  Seq A

Axiom Definition of `preOrder`:
     preOrder  = 𝜖
    preOrder (l  x  r) = x  preOrder l  preOrder r

Lemma Singleton `preOrder`: preOrder 「 x 」 = x  𝜖

Fact: preOrder example = 7  3  2  5  10  11  𝜖

Axiom Definition of `inOrder`:
     inOrder  = 𝜖
    inOrder (l  x  r) = inOrder l  x  inOrder r

Lemma Singleton `inOrder`: inOrder 「 x 」 = x  𝜖

Fact: inOrder example = 2  3  5  7  10  11  𝜖

Axiom Definition of `postOrder`:
     postOrder  = 𝜖
    postOrder (l  x  r) = postOrder l  postOrder r  x

Lemma Singleton `postOrder`: postOrder 「 x 」 = x  𝜖

Fact: postOrder example = 2  5  3  11  10  7  𝜖

Theorem map commutes with inOrder”:
    f : A  B   t : Tree a
    map f (inOrder t) = inOrder (map f t)

Note that in the theorem statement of “map commutes with inOrder”, the first map is the one from the theory of sequences, while the second map is the one from the current notebook.

6 Order Theory   Assignment_2

6.1 Introduction and Uniqueness of Bottoms

Usually we have a collection τ of things that we are working with and are they ordered by relationship _⊑_.

For example:

  1. People standing in a line are ordered by their position in the line.
    • For any two people, one will always be in-front of the other.
    • Such orders are called ‘linear’ — since they are like a line.
    • For instance, the natural numbers order by size, , are linearly ordered.
  2. People in a city may be ordered by the floor level they live on.
    • People in different buildings, homes, are ‘incomparable’: Neither is ‘above’ the other.
    • Such orders are not linear.
    • For instance, members of a (business) hierarchy are only above their juniors and are not above their colleagues, and so are not linearly ordered. Likewise for ‘trees’ and ‘graphs’.
  3. The Booleans are ordered by implication, .

    This relationship is completely determined by the requirement that “ false ⇒ true ”; i.e., false is smaller-than true.

    Indeed, the collection of things that satisfy false is smaller than the collection of things that satisfy true, since the empty collection is smaller than the collection comprising everything.


Order Tree (hierarchy)
Linear order List (flattened tree)

We can formalise this situation as follows. (Where is entered with \sqleq or \[=.)

Conjunctional: __

Declaration: τ : Type
Declaration: __ : τ  τ  𝔹

Axiom Reflexivity of : a  a
Axiom Transitivity of : a  b    b  c    a  c
Axiom Antisymmetry of : a  b    b  a    a = b

Theorem Indirect reflexivity of :  a = b    a  b

Theorem Mutual : a  b    b  a    a = b

Theorem Conjunctional Practice α”: a  a  b    a  b

Theorem Conjunctional Practice β”
   “Sandwhich theorem”:
   a  b  a    a = b

Theorem Conjunctional Practice γ”
   a  b  c    a  c

Declaration: ₁, : τ

Axiom First bottom”:   a
Axiom Second bottom”:  a

Theorem Bottoms are unique”: = Declaration:  : τ
Axiom Bottom of :   a

6.2 Uniqueness of Tops

Declaration: ₁, : τ
Axiom First top”: a  Axiom Second top”: b  Theorem Tops are unique”: = Declaration:  : τ
Axiom Top is greatest element”: a  

Theorem Top is maximal”:   a  a = 

6.3 Divisibility

We can order the naturals by their size, as is usual, but we can also order them by how they factor into each other.

Say a | b precisely when b is a multiple of a; i.e., b = q · a for some integer q.

Be careful:

\(\frac{n}{m}\), n / m real division a number
n ÷ m integer division a number
m ∣ n divisibility relation a proposition
Declaration: _|_ :     𝔹
Explanation: d | m `d` divides `m`Explanation: d | m `d` is a divisor of `m`Explanation: d | m `m` is a multiple of `d`Axiom Reflexitivity of |: m | m
Axiom Antisymmetry of |: m | n    n | m    n = m
Axiom Transitivity of |: m | n    n | k    m | k

Theorem Mutual divisibility” “Mutual |:  m | n    n | m    n = m

Axiom Divisibility of multiples”: m | (q · m)

Theorem Top of |” “Greatest value of |: m | 0

Theorem Bottom of |” “Least element of |: 1 | m

Theorem Top of |” “Greatest value of |” “Top is maximal”:
   0 | n    n = 0

Theorem Bottom of |” “Least element of |” “Bottom is minimal”:
  m | 1    m = 1

Axiom Invariance of Divisibility under semi-linear combinations”:
   k | x    k | y    k | (x + a · y)  k | y

Theorem Invariance of Divisibility under semi-linear combinations”:
  k | y  (k | (x + a · y)  k | x)

Theorem “|-Weakening” “|-Strengthening:
  m | n    m | (q · n)

Theorem Divisibility of sums”: a | b    a | c    a | (b + c)

Theorem Divisiblity of linear combinations”:
  a | b    a | c    a | (b · x + c · y)

Theorem Sufficient Case Analysis for |: a | b    a | c    a | (b · c)

6.4 Meets and joins: Generalising Minima and Maxima

We have seen that _⊑_ : τ → τ → 𝔹 generalises all of

  • _≤_ : ℕ → ℕ → 𝔹
  • _∣_ : ℕ → ℕ → 𝔹
  • _⇒_ : 𝔹 → 𝔹 → 𝔹.

Let us turn to seeing what generalises

  • _↓_ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
  • _∧_ : 𝔹 → 𝔹 → 𝔹
  • gcd (greatest common divisor) operation

The generalision will be an operation _⊓_ : τ → τ → τ that will be the greatest lower bound of its arguments —it is where two elements “meet”.

Enter using \meet.

Precedence 100 for: __
Declaration: __ : τ  τ  τ

Axiom Characterisation of :
   c  a    c  b    c    a  b

Theorem Weakening for : a  b    a

Theorem Weakening for : a  b    b

Theorem Left-Monotonicity of : a  b    a  c  b  c

Theorem Idempotency of : a  a  =  a

Theorem Induced definition of inclusion”: a  b    a  b = a
Precedence 100 for: __
Declaration: __ : τ  τ  τ

Axiom Characterisation of :
  a  c    b  c    a  b    c

Theorem Weakening for : a    a  b

Theorem (3.76l) “Weakening for : b    a  b

Theorem Idempotency of :  a  a = a

Theorem Induced definition of inclusion”: a  b   a  b = b
Theorem Absorption” “Squeeze Law” “Sandwich Theorem: a  (b  a) = a

Theorem Absorption” “Squeeze Law” “Sandwich Theorem: a  (b  a) = a

Theorem Weakening from  to ” “Strengthening from  to :
    a  b    a  b

Theorem Symmetry of : a  b = b  a

Theorem Symmetry of : a  b = b  a

Theorem Golden rule for  and : b  a = a     b = a  b

Theorem Golden rule for  and : b  a = a  b     a = b

Theorem Indirect zero of :
  a    c      c

6.5 Order on Integers   Exercise 7_3

Theorem Cancellation of unary minus”: - a = - b    a = b

Declaration: _<_ , __ , _>_ , __ :     𝔹

Axiom (15.36) “Less”, “Definition of <: a < b  pos (b - a)
Axiom (15.37) “Greater”, “Definition of >: a > b  pos (a - b)
Axiom (15.38) “At most” “Definition of : a  b  a < b  a = b
Axiom (15.39) “At least” “Definition of : a  b  a > b  a = b

Theorem Irreflexivity of <: ¬ (a < a)

Theorem Irreflexivity of <: a = b  ¬ (a < b)

Theorem Irreflexivity of <: a < b  ¬ (a = b)

Theorem Irreflexivity of <: ¬ (a < b  a = b)

Theorem Converse of <: a > b  b < a

Theorem Converse of : a  b  b  a

Theorem Irreflexivity of >: ¬ (a > a)

Theorem (15.40) “Positive elements”: pos b  0 < b

Theorem (15.41) (15.41a) “Transitivity” “Transitivity of <:
   a < b    b < c    a < c

Theorem (15.41) (15.41b) “Transitivity” “Transitivity of  with <:
   a  b    b < c    a < c

Theorem (15.41) (15.41c) “Transitivity” “Transitivity of < with :
   a < b    b  c    a < c

Theorem (15.41) (15.41d) “Transitivity” “Transitivity of :
   a  b    b  c    a  c

Theorem Transitivity of :
   a  b    b  c    a  c

Theorem Transitivity of >:
   a > b    b > c    a > c

Theorem (15.42) “<-Isotonicity of +:
   a < b    a + d < b + d

Theorem “<-Monotonicity of +:
   a < b    a + d < b + d

Theorem “<-Monotonicity of +:
   a < b  c < d  a + c < b + d

Theorem “≤-Isotonicity of +:
   a  b    a + d  b + d

Theorem “≤-Monotonicity of +:
   a  b    a + d  b + d

Theorem Asymmetry of <: ¬ (a < b    b < a)

Theorem (15.44A) “Trichotomy  A:
    a < b    a = b    a > b

Theorem (15.44B) “Trichotomy  B:
    ¬ (a < b    a = b    a > b)

Theorem (15.44) “Trichotomy:
    (a < b    a = b    a > b) 
    ¬ (a < b    a = b    a > b)

6.6 Positivity of Integers   Exercise 7_1 7_2

Following the “Ordered Domains” section of LADM Chapter 15 “A Theory of Integers”, we introduce the positivity predicate pos axiomatically.

Theorem (15.7) “Cancellation of ·: c  0  (c · a = c · b    a = b)
Theorem (15.8) “Cancellation of +:          a + b = a + c    b = c
Theorem Non-zero multiplication”: a  0  b  0  a · b  0

Declaration: pos :   𝔹

Axiom (15.30) “Positivity under +: pos a  pos b  pos (a + b)
Axiom (15.31) “Positivity under ·: pos a  pos b  pos (a · b)
Axiom (15.32) “Non-positivity of 0”: ¬ pos 0
Axiom (15.33) “Positivity under unary minus”: b  0  (pos b  ¬ pos (- b))

Theorem (15.33b) “Positivity under unary minus”: b  0  (pos (- b)  ¬ pos b)

Theorem (15.33c) “Positivity under unary minus”: (pos (- b)  pos b)  b = 0

Theorem Positive implies non-zero”: pos a  a  0

Theorem (15.34) “Positivity of squares”: b  0  pos (b · b)

Corollary Positivity of 1”: pos 1

Theorem Positivity: pos a  a  0  ¬ pos (- a)

Theorem (15.35) “Positivity under positive ·: pos a  (pos b  pos (a · b))

6.7 Mixed Monotonicity   Exercise 8_2 8_3

Theorem Multiplying by 2”: 2 · x = x + x

Theorem Multiplying by 3”: 3 · x = x + x + x

Theorem Left-antitonicity of : (p  q)  ((q  r)  (p  r))

Theorem Right-monotonicity of : (p  q)  ((r  p)  (r  q))

Theorem  Left-antitonicity of <: (p  q)  ((q < r)  (p < r))

Theorem Right-monotonicity of <: (p  q)  ((r < p)  (r < q))

Theorem  Left-antitonicity of : (p  q)  ((q  r)  (p  r))

Theorem Right-monotonicity of : (p  q)  ((r  p)  (r  q))

Theorem  Weak left-antitonicity of <: (p < q)  ((q < r)  (p < r))

Theorem Weak right-monotonicity of <: (p < q)  ((r < p)  (r < q))

6.8 “Indirect Equality” on Integers   Exercise 8_1

Following the “Ordered Domains” secion of LADM Chapter 15 “A Theory of Integers”, we provide the usual ordering relations on the integers and some of their properties.

Theorem (15.47) “Indirect Equality” “Indirect Equality from below”:
  a = b    ( z  z  a    z  b)

Theorem Indirect Equality” “Indirect Equality from above”:
  a = b    ( z  a  z    b  z)

Declaration: __ :     
Declaration: __ :     

Axiom (15.53) (15.53a) “Definition of :
   z  x  y    z  x  z  y

Axiom (15.53) (15.53b) “Definition of :
   x  y  z   x  z  y  z

Theorem (15.54) “Symmetry of :  x  y = y  x

Theorem (15.54) “Symmetry of :  x  y = y  x

Theorem (15.55) “Associativity of : (x  y)  z = x  (y  z)

Theorem (15.55) “Associativity of : (x  y)  z = x  (y  z)

Theorem (15.56) “Idempotency of : x  x = x

Theorem (15.56) “Idempotency of :  x  x = x

Theorem (15.57) “Minimum is lower bound”: x  y  x    x  y  y

Theorem (15.57) “Maximum is upper bound”: x  x  y    y  x  y

Theorem (15.58) “At most via minimum”: x  y    x  y = x

Theorem (15.58) “At most via maximum”: x  y    x  y = y

7 Quantification

7.1 Universal ∀

Axiom Leibniz for  range”:
    ( x  R R₂)  (( x  R P)  ( x  R P))

Axiom Leibniz for  body”:
    ( x  R  (P P₂))  (( x  R  P₁)  ( x  R  P₂))

Axiom (8.11) “Substitution” “Substitution into :
   ( x  R  P)[y  F]   x  R[y  F]  P[y  F]

Axiom (8.13) “Empty range for :
  ( x  false  P)    true

Axiom (8.14) “One-point rule for :
  ( x  x = E  P)    P[x  E]

Axiom (8.15) “Distributivity of  over :
  ( x  R  P)  ( x  R  Q)  ( x  R  P  Q)

Axiom (8.17) “Range split for :
     ( x  R  S   P)    ( x  R  S   P)
    ( x  R       P)    ( x  S       P)

Axiom (8.20) “Nesting for :
    ( x, y  R  S  P)
   ( x  R  ( y  S  P))

Theorem Replacement in :
    ( y  R  e = f  P[x  e])
   ( y  R  e = f  P[x  f])

Axiom (8.20a) “Dummy list permutation for :
   ( x, y  R  P)  ( y, x  R  P)

Theorem (8.19) “Interchange of dummies for :
    ( x  R  ( y  S  P))
   ( y  S  ( x  R  P))

Axiom (9.2) “Trading for :
   ( x  R  P)  ( x  R  P)

Theorem (9.3) (9.3a) “Trading for :
   ( x  R  P)  ( x  ¬ R  P)

Theorem (9.3) (9.3b) “Trading for :
   ( x  R  P)  ( x  R  P  R)

Theorem (9.3) (9.3b) “Trading for :
   ( x  R  P)  ( x  R  P  R)

Theorem (9.3) (9.3c) “Trading for :
   ( x  R  P)  ( x  R  P  P)

Theorem (9.4) (9.4a) “Trading for :
   ( x  Q  R  P)  ( x  Q  R  P)

Theorem (9.4) (9.4b) “Trading for :
   ( x  Q  R  P)  ( x  Q  ¬ R  P)

Theorem (9.4) (9.4c) “Trading for :
   ( x  Q  R  P)  ( x  Q  R  P  R)

Theorem (9.4) (9.4d) “Trading for :
   ( x  Q  R  P)  ( x  Q  R  P  P)

Theorem Leibniz for  body”:
    ( x  R  P P₂)  (( x  R  P₁)  ( x  R  P₂))

Theorem (8.18) “Range split for :
     ( x  R  S   P)
    ( x  R       P)
    ( x  S       P)

Axiom (9.5) “Distributivity of  over :
    P  ( x  R  Q)  ( x  R  P  Q)

Theorem (9.6): P  ( x  ¬ R)  ( x  R  P)

Theorem Distributivity of  over : P  ( x  R  Q)  ( x  R  P  Q)

Theorem (9.7) “Distributivity of  over :
    ¬( x  ¬ R)    (P  ( x  R  Q)    ( x  R  P  Q))

Theorem (9.8) “True  body”: ( x  R  true)

Theorem Introducing fresh : P  ( x  R  P)

Theorem (9.9) “Sub-distributivity of  over :
   ( x  R  P  Q)
    (( x  R  P)  ( x  R  Q))

Theorem (9.10) “Range weakening for ” “Range strengthening for :
    ( x  Q  R  P)  ( x  Q  P)

Theorem (9.11) “Body weakening for ” “Body strengthening for :
    ( x  R  P  Q)  ( x  R  P)

Theorem (9.12) “Monotonicity of ” “Body monotonicity of :
    ( x  R  Q  P)  (( x  R  Q)  ( x  R  P))

7.2 Sum Σ

Axiom Leibniz for  range”:
    ( x  R R₂)  ( x  R E) = ( x  R E)

Axiom Leibniz for  body”:
    ( x  R  E= E₂)  ( x  R  E₁) = ( x  R  E₂)

Axiom (8.13) “Empty range for :
  ( x  false  E)  =  0

Axiom (8.14) “One-point rule for :
  ( x  x = D  E)  =  E[x  D]

Axiom (8.15) “Distributivity of  over +:
  ( x  R  E+ E₂) = ( x  R  E₁) + ( x  R  E₂)

Axiom (8.17) “Range split for ” “Range split”:
     ( x  Q  R   E)  +  ( x  Q  R   E)
   = ( x  Q       E)  +  ( x  R       E)

Theorem (8.16) “Disjoint range split for :
   ( x  Q  R  false) 
   (( x  Q  R  E) = ( x  Q  E) + ( x  R  E))

Axiom (8.20) “Nesting for :
    ( x  Q  ( y  R  E))
  = ( x, y  Q  R  E)

Theorem Replacement in :
    ( x  R  e = f  E[y  e])
  = ( x  R  e = f  E[y  f])

Axiom (8.20a) “Dummy list permutation for :
   ( x, y  R  E) = ( y, x  R  E)

Theorem (8.19) “Interchange of dummies”:
    ( x  Q  ( y  R  P))
  = ( y  R  ( x  Q  P))

Axiom (8.21) “Dummy renaming for ”, “α-conversion”:
  ( x  R  E) = ( y  R[x  y]  E[x  y])

Axiom Distributivity of · over :
    a · ( x  R  E) = ( x  R  a · E)

Theorem Zero  body”: ( x  R  0) = 0

Theorem Constant range conjunction in :
    ( x  P  R  F) = if P then ( x  R  F) else 0 fi

Theorem Conditional one-point rule for :
  ( x  P  x = E  F) = if P[x  E] then F[x  E] else 0 fi

7.3 Sum Quantification for ℕ   Exercise 6_5

Theorem Split off term” “Split off term at top”:
    ( i :   i < suc n  E) = ( i :   i < n  E) + E[i  n]

Theorem Split off term” “Split off term at top”:
    m  n 
    ( i  m  i < suc n  E) = ( i  m  i < n  E) + E[i  n]

Theorem Split off term at top using :
    ( i  i  suc n  E) = ( i  i  n  E) + E[i  suc n]

Theorem Odd-number sum”:
    ( i :   i < n  suc i + i) = n · n

Theorem Sum the numbers”:
    2 · ( i  i  n  i) = n · suc n

7.4 Quantification Proofs: Monotonicity of Sum Quantification in ℕ   Homework 12

Theorem Addition is non-decreasing”: a  a + b

Theorem Range weakening for :
     ( x  Q  E)  ( x  Q  R  E)

Theorem Range weakening for :
    ( x  Q  R  E)  ( x  R  E)

Theorem Range-monotonicity of :
     ( x  Q  R)  (( x  Q  E)  ( x  R  E))

Theorem Body increasing for :
    ( x  R  E)  ( x  R  D + E)

Theorem Cancellation of monus”:  b  a    (a - b) + b = a

Theorem Body-monotonicity of :
    ( x  R  D  E)  (( x  R  D)  ( x  R  E))

7.5 Practice with Universal and Existential Quantification in the setting of ℕ   Homework 11_2

Theorem Unboundedness of :  n :    m :   n < m

Theorem Unboundedness of :  n :    m :   n < m

Theorem Addition does not associate mutually with monus”:
  ¬ ( k :    m :    n :   k + (m - n) = (k + m) - n)

8 Reverse Correctness Presentation   Homework_5_1

In lecture and in the homework, we have stressed that assignment command calculations should ‘begin at the bottom’ and work up; as such, it is more ‘natural’ to begin our calculation with the ‘bottom part’ at the top and work our way down to the other part.

To do so, we use the ‘flipped around’ assignment connective:

    AxiomDefinition of_:   QC P    P CQ

This is similar to the arithmetic ordering:

    y  x    x  y

It is the same thing, but the order has been flipped to make writing our calculations the same way we actually think of them: With the post-condition first, then eventually obtaining the pre-condition.

Here is a demonstration…

     LemmaDemo: x + y = 13    ⁅ x := x + 7 ⁆   x + y = 20
         x + y = 20
       ⁅ x := x + 7 ⁆ ⟨ “Assignment” ⟩
         (x + y = 20)[x  x + 7]
       Substitution ⟩
         x + 7 + y = 20
       Fact `20 = 13 + 7` ⟩
         x + 7 + y = 13 + 7
       ⟨ “Cancellation of +” ⟩
         x + y = 13

This ‘flipped around’ notation is only superficial, and so it also applies to sequential commands, as follows.

     LemmaDemo:  j + k = S
                   ⁅ j  := j + 1 k := k + 1 ⁆
                    j + k = S + 2
         j + k = S + 2
       ⁅ k := k + 1 ⁆⟨ “Assignment” ⟩
         (j + k = S + 2)[k  k + 1]
       Substitution ⟩
          j + k + 1 = S + 2
       ⁅ j := j + 1 ⁆⟨ “Assignment” ⟩
         (j + k + 1 = S + 2)[j  j + 1]
       Substitution  and sym & assoc of + ⟩
         j + k + 1 + 1 = S + 2
       Fact `1 + 1 = 2` ⟩
         j + k + 2 = S + 2
       ⟨ “Cancellation of +” ⟩
         j + k = S

Note that the seqence of the assignment in the proof is “along the ⇐ arrows”, that is, if you are reading and/or writing top-down, you encounter the last assignment first!

Lemma Set: true ⁅ p := q ⁆ (p  q)

Lemma Increment: x = 0  ⁅ x := x + q ⁆   x = q

Lemma Stay Simple:   q = a · c
                      ⁅ q := q + c · c  a := a + c  ⁆
                       q = a · c

Lemma Square Suc: (n + 1) · (n + 1) = n · n + 2 · n + 1

Lemma Stay squared”:   s = n · n
                      ⁅ s := s + 2 · n + 1 n := n + 1 ⁆
                        s = n · n

9 Residuals   Assignment 3

9.1 Implication is “division” for the Booleans … !?

Declaration: _÷_ :        ╍╍╍  \div
Axiom Characterisation of ÷:  k · m  n    k  n ÷ m

Theorem Sub-cancellation of ÷:  (a ÷ b) · b  a

Theorem Characterisation of :  (k  m)  n    k  (n  m)

Theorem Characterisation of :  (k  m)  n    k  (m  n)

Theorem Sub-cancellation of :  (a  b)  b      a

Declaration: __ : τ  τ  τ  ╍╍╍  “over”, \over
Declaration: __ : τ  τ  τ  ╍╍╍  “under”, \under
Declaration: __ : τ  τ  τ   ╍╍╍  “and then”, \;;
Declaration: Id : τ           ╍╍╍   “identity”

Axiom Associativity of :  (x  y)  z  =  x  (y  z)
Axiom Left-identity of :  Id  x = x
Axiom Right-Identity of : x  Id = x

Axiom Characterisation of :  a  b  c    a  c  b
Axiom Characterisation of :  a  b  c    b  a  c

Theorem Cancellation of : (a  b)  b  a

Theorem Cancellation of : a  (a  b)  b

9.2 Enriched Indirect Reasoning

Theorem Enriched indirect equality” “Indirect equality”:
   P[z  x]  P[z  y]
     (( z  P  z  x  z  y)    x = y)

Theorem  Indirect equality”: ( z  z  x  z  y)    x = y

Theorem  Indirect equality”: ( z  z  x  z  y)    x = y

Theorem  Indirect equality”: ( z  z  x    z  y)    x = y

Theorem Dividing a division”: (a ÷ b) ÷ c  =  a ÷ (c · b)

Theorem Dividing a division”: ((a  b)  c)  =  (a  (c  b))

Theorem Dividing a division”: (a  b)  c  =  a  (c  b)

Theorem Dividing a division”: a  (b  c)  =  (b  a)  c

Theorem Archimedian Property:  m   n   k   m · k    n

9.3 A meaning of “groups” ⊕, ⨾, ˘, ⁻¹; “lattices” ⊑, ⊓, ⊔; “residuals” ╱, ╲

Before continuing, you may have seen as a placeholder (metavariable, abstraction) of notions of order that you may come to see later in your CS studies, such as at-most ≤, divisibility ∣, set-inclusion ⊆, structure-inclusion (graphs, etc), program-refinement, propositional strength ⇒.

We can make the following “interpretation”:

Symbol Clothes Interpretation
𝓍 Putting on the article of clothing 𝓍
x ˘, or x⁻¹ Taking off the article of clothing 𝓍 ⟦ Maybe you see _˘ in A4. ⟧
𝓍 ⨾ 𝓎 (“⊕”) Wearing clothes 𝓍 “and then” wearing 𝓎 —e.g., socks then shoes
𝓎 ⁻¹ ⨾ 𝓍 ⁻¹ “Taking off” clothes” 𝓎 and then “taking off” 𝓍 —e.g., shoes off then socks off
𝓍 ⊑ 𝓎 The articles of clothes 𝓍 “can be found among” the pile of clothes 𝓎
𝓍 ⊓ 𝓎 The accessories needed for “both” kinds of clothes 𝓍 and 𝓎
𝓍 ⊔ 𝓎 Possible accessories, clothes, that go well with clothes 𝓍 “or” clothes 𝓎
𝓍 ╱ 𝓎 Wear as much clothes as possible “and-then” wear 𝓎, so the wardrobe is in the pile of clothes 𝓍
𝓍 ╲ 𝓎 Wear 𝓍 “first and-then” wear as much clothes as possible, so the wardrobe is in the pile of clothes 𝓎

9.4 Monotonicity and Strengthening Proofs

Theorem Cancellation of : (a  b)  b  a

Theorem Cancellation of : a  (a  b)  b

Theorem Cancellation by ” “Right-division of multiples”: a  (a  b)  b

Theorem Cancellation by ” “Left-division of multiples”: b  a  (a  b)

Theorem Monotonicity of : a  a  a  b  a  b

Theorem Monotonicity of : b  b  a  b  a  b

Theorem Monotonicity of : a  a  b  b  a  b  a  b

Theorem Numerator monotonicity”: a  a   a  b  a  b

Theorem Numerator monotonicity”: b  b   a  b  a  b

Theorem Denominator antitonicity”: b  b   a  b  a  b

Theorem Denominator antitonicity”: a  a   a  b  a  b

10 Set Theory   Homework_15

Set theory is based on the membership relation _∈_ (type \in).

In typed set theory, we also have, for each type t, a separate type set t for sets with elements of type t.

A membership relationship “x ∈ S” then only makes sense of an x of type t if S is of type set t. This is formalised by giving _∈_ the type t → set t → 𝔹, where t is a type variable (as in the typing of equality, _=_ : t → t → 𝔹):

Declaration: set : Type  Type

Declaration: 𝐔 : set t

Declaration: __ : t  set t  𝔹
Explanation: e  S `e` is an element of `S`.Explanation: e  S  “item `e` is an element of the set `S`.Axiom (11.4) “Set extensionality”:
   S = T    ( e    e  S    e  T)

10.1 Inclusion

Declaration: __ : set t  set t  𝔹

Axiom (11.13) “Subset” “Definition of ” “Set inclusion”:
   S  T    ( e  e  S  e  T)

Corollary Subset” “Definition of ” “Set inclusion”:
   S  T    ( e  e  S  e  T)

Theorem Subset membership” “Casting:
    X  Y  x  X  x  Y

Theorem (11.59) “Transitivity of : X  Y  Y  Z  X  Z

Theorem (11.58) “Reflexivity of : X  X

Theorem (11.57) “Antisymmetry of : X  Y  Y  X  X = Y

Theorem (11.57) “Antisymmetry of : X  Y  Y  X  X = Y

Theorem (11.57) “Antisymmetry of : X  Y  Y  X  X = Y

10.2 Complement

The complement of a set S, written ~ S, is the collection of elements that are not in S.

Declaration: ~_ : set t  set t

Axiom Complement: e  ~ S   ¬ (e  S)

Theorem (11.19) “Self-inverse of complement”: ~ (~ S) = S

Theorem Lower ~ connection for :
    ~ X  Y    ~ Y  X

Theorem Upper ~ connection for :
    X  ~ Y    Y  ~ X

10.3 Union and Intersection

Declaration: __ , __ : set t  set t  set t

Axiom Union:          e  S  T    e  S    e  T
Axiom Intersection:   e  S  T    e  S    e  T

Theorem (11.45) “Inclusion via :  S  T    S  T = T

10.4 Pairs and Cartesian Products

The pair consisting of the two constituents `b` and `c`, in that order, is written `⟨ b , c ⟩`.

Pairs are equal exactly if their respective constituents are equal:

Axiom (14.2) “Pair equality”: ⟨ b, c ⟩ =  ⟨ b', c' ⟩    b = b'  c = c'

If `t` and `u` are types, the type of pairs with first constituent in `t` and second constituent in `u` is written `❰ t, u ❱`. (You type `\<!` for `❰` and `\>!` for `❱`, but you will probably not need these a lot.)

The pair projections for pairs with any constituent types:

Declaration: fst : ❰ t , u ❱  t
Declaration: snd : ❰ t , u ❱  u

Axiom Definition of `fst`: fst ⟨ x, y ⟩ = x
Axiom Definition of `snd`: snd ⟨ x, y ⟩ = y

Axiom Pair equality”: p = q    fst p = fst q    snd p = snd q

We use `_×_` for Cartesian product of sets only, not for types:

Declaration: _×_ : set t  set u  set ❰ t , u ❱

Axiom Membership in ×:
  p  S × T    fst p  S  snd p  T

Theorem (14.4) “Membership in ×:
    ⟨ x , y ⟩  S × T    x  S  y  T

Theorem Pair extensionality”: p = ⟨ fst p , snd p ⟩

Theorem (14.5) “Membership in swapped ×:
    ⟨ x , y ⟩  S × T    ⟨ y , x ⟩  T × S

Theorem (14.6) “Empty factor in ×:
    S = {}    S × T = {}

Declaration: swap : ❰ t, u ❱  ❰ u, t ❱
Axiom Definition of `swap`”: swap ⟨ x, y ⟩ = ⟨ y, x ⟩

Theorem fst after swap: fst (swap p) = snd p

Theorem snd after swap: snd (swap p) = fst p

11 Relations

11.1 Relations via Set Theory   Homework 17

11.1.1 Domain and Range

Declaration:  Dom : (A  B)  set A
Declaration:  Ran : (A  B)  set B

Axiom Membership in `Dom`:
  x  Dom R     y  x ⦗ R ⦘ y

Axiom Membership in `Ran`:
  y  Ran R     x  x ⦗ R ⦘ y

Theorem Domain of union”: Dom (R  S) = Dom R  Dom S

Theorem Domain of intersection”: Dom (R  S)  Dom R  Dom S

11.1.2 Relation Converse

Declaration: _˘ : (A  B)  (B  A)

Axiom Relation converse” “Relationship via ˘:
    y ⦗ R ˘ ⦘ x    x ⦗ R ⦘ y

Theorem Self-inverse of ˘:   R ˘ ˘  =  R

Theorem Monotonicity of ˘: R  S        R ˘  S ˘

Theorem Isotonicity of ˘: R  S      R ˘  S ˘

Theorem Domain of converse”: Dom (R ˘) = Ran R

Theorem Converse of :     (R  S) ˘  =  R ˘  S ˘

11.1.3 Relation Composition

Declaration: __ : (A  B)  (B  C)  (A  C)

Axiom Relation composition”:
    a ⦗ R  S ⦘ c     b  a ⦗ R ⦘ b  b ⦗ S ⦘ c

Theorem Converse of :    (R  S) ˘    =  S ˘  R ˘

11.1.4 Polymorphic Identity

The only new item introduced in this section is the polymorphic identity relation Id.

Similar to how equality _=_ can be used at type A → A → 𝔹 for any type A, this new Id can be used at type A ↔ A at any type A:

Declaration: Id : A  A

The lecture slides present Id as abbreviation for 𝕀 𝐔.

(Remember that the blackboard-bold I symbol 𝕀 is obtained by typing \II, two upper-case i letters as in identity.)

Where this is used at type A ↔ A, it has also been written informally on the lecture slides as 𝕀 ⌞ A ⌟, using the convention that ⌞ A ⌟ stands for 𝐔 : set A.

Axiom Definition of `Id` via 𝕀: Id = 𝕀 𝐔

With that, the direct correspondence between `Id` and `_=_` is easy to derive, and does not need to mention the type (that is, the “`A`” mentioned so far):

Theorem Identity relation” “Relationship via `Id`:
    x ⦗ Id ⦘ y    x = y

Theorem Converse of `Id`: Id ˘        =  Id

Theorem Left-identity of ” “Identity of :
    Id  R = R

Theorem Right-identity of ” “Identity of :
    R  Id = R

11.1.5 Reflexivity

We define the reflexivity predicate for relations using the predicate-logic formulation:

Declaration: reflexive : A  A    𝔹
Axiom Definition of reflexivity”:  reflexive R     x  x ⦗ R ⦘ x

Theorem `Id` is reflexive”: reflexive Id

Theorem Reflexivity:  reflexive R    Id  R

Theorem Composition of reflexive relations”:
  reflexive R  reflexive S  reflexive (R  S)

Theorem Converse of reflexive relations”:
  reflexive R  reflexive (R ˘)

Theorem Converse reflects reflectivity”:
  reflexive (R ˘)  reflexive R

11.1.6 Transitivity

We define the transitivity predicate for relations using the predicate-logic formulation:

Declaration: transitive : A  A    𝔹
Axiom Definition of transitivity”:
    transitive R      x   y   z 
                        x ⦗ R ⦘ y ⦗ R ⦘ z    x ⦗ R ⦘ z

Theorem Converse of transitive relations”:
    transitive R  transitive (R ˘)

11.2 Relations via Set Theory I: Properties of the Basic Operators   Exercise 10_1

Theorem Converse of {}”:     {} ˘  =  {}

Theorem Converse of :     (R  S) ˘  =  R ˘  S ˘

Theorem Distributivity of  over  to the right”
        “Distributivity of  over :
    Q  (R  S)  =  Q  R    Q  S

Theorem Sub-distributivity of  over  to the right”
        “Sub-distributivity of  over :
     Q  (R  S)    Q  R    Q  S

Theorem Associativity of : (Q  R)  S = Q  (R  S)

Theorem Monotonicity of  in first argument” “Monotonicity of :
    Q  R    Q  S  R  S

Theorem Monotonicity of  in second argument” “Monotonicity of :
    R  S    Q  R  Q  S

Theorem Characterisation of :
    Q  R  S      Q  R   Q  (S : A  B)

The modal rule can be seen as a kind of over-approximation of multiplicative inverse with respect to composition “~⨾~”.

In a field, for example in ℝ, if a has an inverse a⁻¹ (that is, if a · a⁻¹ = 1, which requires a ≠ 0), then you have:

      a · b + c  =  a · (b + a¹ · c)

Relation converse in general does not produce inverses, but still an “over-approximation to an inverse”, since the equation above turns into a relation inclusion:

Theorem Modal rule”:    (Q  R)  S  Q  (R  Q ˘  S)

Theorem Modal rule”:    (Q  R)  S  (Q  S  R ˘)  R

Theorem Restricted identity property for 𝕀-Dom:
     𝕀 (Dom R)  R = R

11.3 Relations via Set Theory II: Properties of the Basic Operators   Exercise 10_2

Declaration: P : Type
Explanation: P Type of persons”

  We declare relations `C` and `B` with the following meanings:

  - `p ⦗ C ⦘ q` means “`p` called `q` (by phone)”
  - `p ⦗ B ⦘ q` means “`p` is a brother of `q`Declaration: C : P  P
Declaration: B : P  P

Declaration: Helen, Aos, Jun, Obama, Shirley, Alex, Jim, Jane : P

### Relationship to Predicate Logic

  From the following relationship statements,
  calculate “readable” predicate logic statements:

    AosC  BJun

    Aos~ (C  ~ B) ⦘ Jun

    Aos~ (~ C  B) ⦘ Jun

    Aos~ ((C  ~ (B  C ˘))  ~ B) ⦘ Jun

    (B  ({ Jun } × 𝐔))  (C  C ˘)    Id

### Formalise Relation-Algebraically

Axiom Helen called somebody who called her”: ?

Axiom Aos called everybody who called a brother of Jun: ?

Axiom Aos hasn't called anybody who has called Jun: ?

11.4 Relations via Set Theory: Counterexamples for Non-Properties of the Basic Operators   Exercise 10_3

Lemma Membership in two-element set enumeration”: x  {x, y}
Lemma Membership in set enumeration”: x  {u  u = x  R}

Theorem Non-Isotonicity of  in first argument”:
    ¬( Q : 𝔹  𝔹   R : 𝔹  𝔹   S : 𝔹  𝔹
       Q  S  R  S    Q  R)

Theorem Non-distributivity of  over  to the right”:
    ¬ ( Q : 𝔹  𝔹   R : 𝔹  𝔹   S : 𝔹  𝔹  Q  R    Q  S    Q  (R  S))

11.5 Relations via Set Theory: Heterogeneous Relation Properties, starting from Relation-Algebraic Formulations   Homework 18

Theorem Monotonicity of : A A (A B)  (A B)

Theorem Monotonicity of : A A B B (A B₁)  (A B₂)

Theorem Distributivity of  over  to the left”
        “Distributivity of  over :
    (Q  R)  S  =  Q  S    R  S

11.5.1 Univalence

A relation is univalent iff it relates each argument with at most one result.

Declaration: is-univalent : A  B    𝔹
Axiom Definition of univalence”:    is-univalent R     R ˘  R  Id

Theorem Univalence of composition”:
     is-univalent R  is-univalent S  is-univalent (R  S)

Theorem Univalence:
      is-univalent R
      b₁   b₂   a  a ⦗ R ⦘ b₁  a ⦗ R ⦘ b₂  b₁ = b₂

11.5.2 Totality

A relation is total if it relates each argument with at least one result.

Declaration: is-total : A  B    𝔹
Axiom Definition of totality”:      is-total R         Id  R  R ˘

Theorem Totality of union”:
    is-total R  is-total S  is-total (R  S)

Theorem Totality: is-total R     a   b  a ⦗ R ⦘ b

Theorem Domain of total relations”:   is-total R    𝐔  Dom R

Theorem Domain of total relations”:  is-total R    Dom R = 𝐔

11.5.3 Injectivity

Declaration: is-injective : A  B    𝔹

Axiom Definition of injectivity”:
    is-injective R       R  R ˘    Id

Injectivity is dual (with respect to the direction of composition) to univalence, so the dualisation operator “`_˘`” (converse) converts between the two:

Theorem Injectivity of converse”:
    is-injective (R ˘)   is-univalent R

Theorem Univalence of converse”:
    is-univalent (R ˘)    is-injective R

Theorem Injectivity:
       is-injective R
       a₁   a₂   b  a₁ ⦗ R ⦘ b  a₂ ⦗ R ⦘ b  a₁ = a₂

11.5.4 Surjectivity

Declaration: is-surjective : A  B    𝔹

Axiom Definition of surjectivity”:
    is-surjective R       Id    R ˘  R

Theorem Totality of converse”:
    is-total (R ˘)    is-surjective R

Theorem Surjectivity:
    is-surjective R    ( b  ( a  a ⦗ R ⦘ b))

11.6 Cartesian Products and Relations

Lemma Relationship via ×: x ⦗ S × T ⦘ y    x  S  y  T

Theorem (14.8) “Distributivity of × over :
    S × (T  U) = (S × T)  (S × U)

Theorem (14.8) “Distributivity of × over :
    (S  T) × U = (S × U)  (T × U)

Theorem (14.9) “Distributivity of × over :
    S × (T  U) = (S × T)  (S × U)

Theorem (14.9) “Distributivity of × over :
    (S  T) × U = (S × U)  (T × U)

Theorem Non-empty sets”: S  {}  ( x  x  S)

Theorem (14.7i): S  {}  T  {}  S × T = T × S  S = T

Theorem (14.7ii): T  {}  S × T = T × S  S  T

Theorem (14.13): S  {}    S × T  S × U    T  U

11.7 Abstract Relation Algebra: Inclusion, Composition, Converse, and Intersection   Exercise 11_1 11_2 12_2 12_3

The type constructor _↔_ for relation types is obtained by typing \rel, and has higher precedence than the function type constructor _→_.

Declaration: __ : Type  Type  Type

11.7.1 Inclusion

Declaration: __ : A  B  A  B  𝔹
Axiom Reflexivity of : R  R
Lemma Reflexivity of : R = S    R  S
Axiom Transitivity of : Q  R  R  S  Q  S
Axiom Antisymmetry of : R  S  S  R  R = S
Theorem Transitivity of : Q  R  R  S  Q  S
Lemma Flipped Transitivity of : R  S  Q  R  Q  S

Theorem Mutual inclusion”: R = S    R  S   S  R
Theorem Indirect Relation Equality”
        “Indirect Relation Equality from below”:
    Q = R    ( S  S  Q    S  R)
Theorem Indirect Relation Inclusion”
        “Indirect Relation Inclusion from above”:
    Q  R    ( S  R  S    Q  S)

Declaration: __ : A  B  A  B  𝔹
Axiom Opposite inclusion”: R  S    S  R

11.7.2 Composition

Declaration: __ : A  B  B  C  A  C
Axiom Associativity of : (Q  R)  S = Q  (R  S)
Axiom Monotonicity of :  P  Q    R  S    P  R  Q  S
Theorem Monotonicity of :  Q  R    Q  S  R  S
Theorem Monotonicity of :  R  S    Q  R  Q  S

Declaration: Id : A  A
Axiom Identity of : Id  R = R
Axiom Identity of : R  Id = R

11.7.3 Converse

Declaration: _˘ : (A  B)  (B  A)
Axiom Self-inverse of ˘: R ˘ ˘  =  R
Lemma Cancellation of ˘:  R ˘ = S ˘    R = S
Axiom Monotonicity of ˘: R  S        R ˘  S ˘
Theorem Isotonicity of ˘:  R  S    R ˘  S ˘
Axiom Converse of `Id`:  Id ˘        =  Id
Axiom Converse of :     (R  S) ˘    =  S ˘  R ˘

11.7.4 Intersection

Declaration: __ : A  B  A  B  A  B

Axiom Characterisation of : Q  R  S      Q  R   Q  S

Theorem Weakening for : Q  R  Q    Q  R  R
Theorem Symmetry of : Q  R    R  Q
Corollary Symmetry of : Q  R  =  R  Q
Theorem Associativity of : (Q  R)  S    Q  (R  S)
Corollary Associativity of : (Q  R)  S  =  Q  (R  S)
Theorem Idempotency of : R  R = R
Theorem Monotonicity of : Q  R    Q  S  R  S

Theorem Inclusion via : Q  R    Q  R = Q

Theorem Converse of :     (R  S) ˘    R ˘  S ˘
Theorem Converse of :     (R  S) ˘  =  R ˘  S ˘

Theorem Sub-distributivity of  over :
    Q  (R  S)    Q  R    Q  S

11.7.5 Heterogeneous Properties

Declaration: reflexive : A  A    𝔹
Declaration: symmetric : A  A    𝔹
Declaration: transitive, idempotent : A  A    𝔹
Declaration: equivalence, preorder : A  A    𝔹
Declaration: antisymmetric, order : A  A    𝔹

Axiom Definition of reflexivity”:    reflexive R        Id  R
Axiom Definition of symmetry”:       symmetric R        R ˘  R
Axiom Definition of transitivity”:   transitive R       R  R  R
Axiom Definition of idempotency”:    idempotent R       R  R = R
Axiom Definition of equivalence”:    equivalence R      reflexive R
                                                           symmetric R
                                                           transitive R
Axiom Definition of preorder”:       preorder R         reflexive R
                                                           transitive R
Axiom Definition of antisymmetry”:   antisymmetric R    R  R ˘  Id
Axiom Definition of ordering”:       order R            reflexive R
                                                           antisymmetric R
                                                           transitive R

Theorem Reflexivity of converse”  :    reflexive R  reflexive (R ˘)
Theorem Reflexivity of :    reflexive R  reflexive S  reflexive (R  S)

Lemma Definition of symmetry”     :    symmetric R      R ˘ = R
Theorem Symmetry of converse”     :    symmetric R  symmetric (R ˘)

Theorem Antisymmetry of converse” :  antisymmetric R    antisymmetric (R ˘)

Theorem Converse of an order”     :  order E    order (E ˘)

11.7.6 Dedekind and Modal Rules

Axiom Dedekind rule”:    (Q  R)  S  (Q  S  R ˘)  (R  Q ˘  S)
Theorem Modal rule”:     (Q  R)  S  (Q  S  R ˘)  R
Theorem Modal rule”:     (Q  R)  S  Q  (R  Q ˘  S)

One simple consequence of any modal rule is the following theorem (also known as “co-difunctionality”); the name “Hesitation” is intended to suggest that whenever you can make a step forward to some place, you can also first make a step forward, then one back, and finally another one forward to the same place (due to the implicit assumption that the place you started from is still available for the backwards step after the first step forward).

Theorem Hesitation: R  R  R ˘  R

A transitive and symmetric relations is also called a partial equivalence relation (PER), where the word “partial” again really just means “not necessarily total”, which in the case of PERs would be understood more naturally as “not necessarily reflexive”.

This is justified by the fact that equivalence relations are total due to reflexivity.

Theorem PER factoring”:    symmetric Q  transitive Q   Q  R  Q = Q  (R  Q)
Theorem Reflexive implies total”:    reflexive R    total R
Theorem Idempotency from symmetric and transitive”:    symmetric R  transitive R  idempotent R
Theorem Right-distributivity of  with univalent over :
    univalent F    F  (R  S) = F  R  F  S

Theorem Swapping mapping across :
    mapping F    (R  F  S    R  S  F ˘)

11.7.7 Powers and Reflexive-transitive Closure

Associating to the right: _**_
Declaration: _**_ :  (A  A)        (A  A)

Axiom Definition of **:  R ** 0    =  Id
Axiom Definition of **:  R ** suc i  =  R  R ** i

Theorem Right-identity of **: R ** 1 = R
Theorem Addition in **: R ** (i + j) = R ** i  R ** j

Declaration: _* : A  A    A  A
Axiom Definition of `_*`”:    R * = ( i :   R ** i)

Theorem Characterisation of `_*`: Expanding:  R  R *
Theorem Characterisation of `_*`: Reflexivity:  reflexive (R *)
Theorem Characterisation of `_*`: Transitivity:  transitive (R *)
Theorem Characterisation of `_*`: Expansion of powers”:
    R  S    reflexive S    transitive S   R ** i  S
Theorem Characterisation of `_*`: Minimality:
    R  S    reflexive S    transitive S   R *  S

11.8 Operators Combining Sets and Relations   Homework 19

Associating to the right: __ , __
Associating to the left: __ , __

Theorem Converse of ×:  (A × B) ˘ = B × A

11.8.1 Domain and Range Restrictions

  - type “`\drestr`” for “`◁`--- “domain restriction”,
  - type “`\ndrestr`” for “`⩤`--- “negated domain restriction”, “domain antirestriction”,
  - type “`\rrestr`” for “`▷`--- “range restriction”,
  - type “`\nrrestr`” for “`⩥`--- “negated range restriction”, “range antirestriction”.

Declaration: __ , __ : set t₁  (t₁  t₂)  (t₁  t₂)
Declaration: __ , __ : (t₁  t₂)  set t₂  (t₁  t₂)

Axiom Definition of :  A  R = R  (A × 𝐔)
Axiom Definition of :  R  B = R  (𝐔 × B)
Axiom Definition of :  A  R = R  (~ A × 𝐔)
Axiom Definition of :  R  B = R  (𝐔 × ~ B)

Lemma Definition of  via :   A  R  =  ~ A  R
Lemma Definition of  via :   R  B  =  R  ~ B
Theorem Distributivity of  over set intersection”:  (A  B)  R = (A  R)  (B  R)
Theorem Distributivity of  over relation union”:    A  (R  S) = (A  R)  (A  S)
Theorem Definition of  via :  R  B  =  (B  R ˘) ˘
Theorem Definition of  via :  A  R  =  (R ˘  A) ˘
Theorem Distributivity of  over set intersection”:    R  (B  C) = (R  B)  (R  C)
Theorem Distributivity of  over relation union”:    (R  S)  B = (R  B)  (S  B)
Theorem Range of : Ran (R  B) = Ran R  B
Theorem Relationship via ” “Domain restriction”:    x ⦗ A  R ⦘ y    x  A  x ⦗ R ⦘ y
Theorem Relationship via ” “Range restriction”:    x ⦗ R  B ⦘ y    x ⦗ R ⦘ y  B
Theorem Relationship via ” “Domain antirestriction”:    x ⦗ A  R ⦘ y    ¬ (x  A)  x ⦗ R ⦘ y
Theorem Domain restriction by `Dom`:  Dom S  S = S
Theorem Domain restriction via :    A  R = 𝕀 A  R
Theorem Range restriction via :    R  B = R  𝕀 B
Theorem Switching  and  in :    (R  B)  S  =  R  (B  S)
Theorem Mutual associativity of  with :    (R  S)  C  =  R  (S  C)

11.8.2 Relational Image

Declaration: __: (t₁  t₂)  set t₁  set t₂

Axiom Definition of_⦈”: RA= Ran (A  R)

Theorem Relational image”:  y  RA  ( x  x  A  x ⦗ R ⦘ y)

11.8.3 Relation Override

Declaration: __ : (t₁  t₂)  (t₁  t₂)  (t₁  t₂)

Axiom Definition of :   R  S  =  (Dom S  R)  S

Theorem Relation override”:
    x ⦗ R  S ⦘ y    if x  Dom S then x ⦗ S ⦘ y else x ⦗ R ⦘ y fi

Author: Musa Al-hassy and Wolfram Kahl

Created: 2020-12-15 Tue 08:12
